C.point System

What's C.point System?

When a character dies due to PvP or PK, the character's experience is retained. The C. Point increases every time another character kills you. Your character's C. Point will decrease every time you gain experience by killing monsters. When your C. Points reaches 0, the hold condition of your experience will be released.

In Case C.point has increased or gets accumulated

- When experience of character is 1620000000 and C.Point is 0.

Image 10612

- When you die in Pv, your C. Point will increase by 5000. The experience of your character will be retained at 1620000000.

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- If you die in PvP for the first time, you will get 5000 C.Points. In case you die for the fourth time, the total C.Points that you will have is 20000. Your experience will still be on hold position until you get another 20000 exp.

Image 10614

In case of C.point is decrease

- When experience of character is holding condition and C.Point is 20000..

Image 10615

- When you acquire experience by killing monsters or killing a member of your enemy kingdom, your C. Point will decrease.

Image 10616

- When the character's C.points become 0, the HOLD condition is removed and you can now earn experience points once again.

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C. Point can be lowered by means of hunting or PvP. Once you have removed all of your C.Point, the Hold state in your experience bar will disappear and you can now level-up normally.

Killing monsters does not affect your C. Point.

The maximum C.point limit is 1/10 of the experience that you must gain to level-up. C.Point depends on the character's level. The higher your level is the higher your maximum C.Point limit will be.

When C. Point limitation value accumulates to 80%, your total physical strength will decrease by 50%. You must watch watch out for this condition.

Even if your character has exceeded the limitation value, you can still get experience points.

When your experience between 350~355 is down, you don't get decreasing penalty.

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