C.C(Combat Controller) Mode System

The cc mode is the automatic attack system that will make your character to attack or cast spells automatically when a monster gets inside your attack range.
The cc mode also helps players to enjoy the chatting system while hunting or leveling up.

Image 10443

When you first log in, your cc mode will be off. You may choose what type of cc mode you want by clicking on the CC mode button.

Image 10444

How to use C.C Mode
Players may place their buff skills in the 1st quick slot bar while using the cc mode to make their characters cast buffs.

[Melee Control]
When the cc mode is off, you may choose the (M.C.) Melee Control mode by clicking on the cc mode button and the character will automatically cast all the buff skills in the 1st quick slot bar then the character will automatically attack all monsters in range with physical damage.

Image 10445

[Spell Control]
When the cc mode is off, you may choose the (S.C.) Spell Control mode by clicking on the cc mode button and the character will automatically cast all the buff skills in the 1st quick slot bar then the character will automatically attack all monsters in range with spells under the auto attack toggle bar (red bar). Fixed ranged hunting and free movement hunting is restricted in Spell Control Mode

Image 10446

[Non-Combat mode]
When the cc mode is off, you may choose the C.C. mode (potion) by clicking on the cc mode button and the character will automatically cast all the buff skills in the 1st quick slot bar then the character will automatically use potions and mount feed

Image 10447

Character will automatically attack or cast spells on monsters within your attack range.
Character will automatically use potions when your HP goes below a certain percentage.
Character will automatically use mount feed when your mount's HP goes below 6000
Character will not automatically attack players when you're in a PK zone and your PK mode is on.

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